Making the Best of Heavy Construction Equipment in the Area

Making the Best of Heavy Construction Equipment in the Area

4 Maintenance Tips That Might Prevent Premature Forklift Failures

Nevaeh Graves

Investing in a forklift is no different from any other investment, meaning your money shouldn't go to waste. You do not want your forklift or any of its compartments to fail prematurely, especially if there are a few things you can do to keep it working. The following are four tips that will help maintain your forklift. 

1. Pay Attention To Lubrication

Your forklift has to handle a lot of weight throughout the day, which means that there a lot of moving parts that continue to rub and grind against each other. One of the most important things that you need to do is make sure the inner workings of your forklift are properly lubricated. You want to concentrate on some of the following areas:

  • The tire and brake systems
  • Be sure you lubricate the ball bearings
  • The lifting mechanism of the vehicle

2. Do Not Let It Run Out Of Fluids

Like a normal vehicle, you should not let your forklift run out of fluids. Low transmission fluid can ruin the gears or damage your entire transmission system, and low oil can make the forklift run poorly or ruin your engine. Your fuel pump can prematurely fail if it is constantly stressed due to lack of gasoline (if your forklift uses gasoline). You should also remember that forcing your forklift to work with nearly zero gasoline might force your vehicle to run hotter than usual. This puts additional strain on your cooling system, your transmission, and other parts of your engine. 

3. Your Battery Matters Too

Some forklifts use a rechargeable battery instead of gasoline, which comes with its own set of rules. If your forklift uses a battery, remember that running your equipment with a low battery can make your vehicle run hot (just like a gasoline fueled forklift). This can occur if you run a battery that is less than 80 percent charged. Not to mention that a low battery will not run as efficiently as it should. Check the link here to see other ways to maintain your forklift's battery. 

4. Cleanliness Matters

Try to blow compressed air throughout your forklift weekly to blow away dust or other particles that might have gotten stuck inside. This dust might not be harmful, but it could make its way into the compartments of your forklift. This could possibly lead to clogged air filters or radiators. 

You can also talk to your forklift maintenance specialist about other things that you can do to maintain your forklift; but as you can see, there a few things you can do to extend your forklift's life. For more information, contact a construction equipment contractor in your area.


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Making the Best of Heavy Construction Equipment in the Area

Hiya! My name is Mitch Flanders. I work in construction where I have the great pleasure of running heavy equipment. I love my work, but I know for fact that those who live and work in the areas where I’m working don’t love me so much. I do have empathy for those folks. After all, my heavy equipment is noisy. When people complain, and they do, I try to help give them some suggestions on how to deal with the noise and mess us construction crews make. I always suggest that they get creative and make the best out of the disturbances. They can create betting games out of how many hours a day or week we are going to be disturbing them. Make it fun among the family or co-workers. I’m going to share more with you here, and hope you find it of interest.